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Pelham 205-624-4524   Pell City 205-338-1183

We believe that restoring and optimizing our patients physiologic levels of hormones relieves many common complaints that are associated with age, and this is an integral part of our comprehensive primary care program. Our providers have many combined years of experience with hormone replacement therapy and has received extensive training in bio identical hormone pellet dosing and management. Unlike many practices that utilize a one size fits all approach to hormone therapy, our practice takes the time to individualize each patients hormone replacement needs based on their symptoms and unique hormone levels. 

Member Pricing

All of our member’s initial consultation, ongoing follow up, and the initial set of comprehensive lab work, including hormones, is included with the membership. Because of our emphasis on hormone replacement, the ongoing hormone lab work is also included in membership. For any female patient utilizing bio identical hormone pellets, the pellets are only $100 for each insertion.  For any male patient utilizing bio identical hormone pellets, the pellets are only $350 for each insertion.

Standard Pricing

Initial consult with follow up and plan: $250

Ongoing follow up and management visits every quarter: $195

Male Hormone Panel: $55

Female Hormone Panel: $50

Female Pellet Insertion: $350

Male Pellet Insertion: $650

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